Wear resistant round link chains.
Hardened, technical.


Dimensions and  mechanical properties
Chain size
b1 max.
b2 max.
Test force
Breaking force
f min.

∼ Weight
14×50 17 48 185 280 11 4.0
18×64 21 60 305 460 14 6.6
19×64/64.5 22 63 340 510 15 7.4
22×86 26 73 456 680 18 9.5
24×86/87.5 28 79 543 815 19 11.6/11.5
26×92 30 85 637 960 21 13.7
30×108 34 97 848 1 270 24 18.0
34×126 38 110 848 1 650 27 22.7
38×126/137/146 42 122 1 090 2 040 30 30.1/29.0/27.6
42×137 48 139 1 360 2 500 33 36.9
42×146 48 137 1 660   42 36.0

Unit elongation at test force max. 1.6%. Unit elongation at breaking force min. 8%. Other chain sizes FAS-US, FAS-USŁ,
FAS-US EXTRA, FAS-UT available following the individual agreements with a customer.