FAS-NT                                                                                                   FAS-NS
Wear resistant round link chains.                                                            Wear resistant round link chains.
Case hardened, technical.                                                                      Case hardened, special.


Application                                                                                             Application
Used in equipment for which high wear resistance                               Used in conditions for which both high wear
of chains is required.                                                                              
resistance and relatively high strength properties
                                                                                                               are required.


Mechanical properties
Mechanical properties of case hardened chains depend on the carburizing depth. The depth can reach up to max. 14% of bar diameter. The deeper the carburizing, the smaller breaking force is observed. The unit elongation at breaking force is only  1.5 ÷ 3%.


Depending on carburizing depth, the chains are manufactured in two group types:
group A
total carburizing depth within the range:
(9 ÷ 7%) d       (0.09 ÷ 0.07) × d
group B
total carburizing depth within the range:
(14 ÷ 10%) d        (0.14 ÷ 0.10) × d

(d - chain diameter)

The surface hardness of case-hardened chains is ca. 800 HV (64 HRC). The hardness of the core (beyond the carburizing level) in FAS-NS chains is min. 400 HV (380 HBW; 40.8 HRC) – 5% decrease in hardness is acceptable – its value is two times higher than  the core hardness of FAS-NT chains, which is min. 200 HV (190 HBW) – 5% decrease in hardness is acceptable.

Due to production technology, the case-hardened chains are hard and brittle. An equipment designer should take into account the maximum (the highest possible) safety factor value for working load limit (WLL) in the kinematic and dynamic system Improper use of chain (exceeding WLL) may cause chain breaking in a brittle manner with link falling into small pieces. Their significant force may jeopardize the safety and health of workers who are in the immediate vicinity of the chain operation area.

Case-hardened chains can be loaded only with a force that is longitudinal to the chain axis. It is unacceptable to:

·       weld any elements to chain links,

·       load the chain links with a lateral force that spreads the link from the inside or load them with a compressive force that acts from the outside,

·       load the chain links with impact forces, strokes.


Stress at breaking force based on carburizing depth
Group of case - hardened chains Total depth Hardening depth after carburizing Stress at breaking force
FAS-NT chain FAS-NS chain
[min. 550 HV] [N/mm2 MPa] [N/mm2 MPa]
A [9÷7%]d [5÷3%]d 280÷310 400÷450
B [14÷10%]d [10÷6%]d 240÷240 350÷400


Dimensions and mechanical properties
Chain size
b1 min.
b2 min.
Test force Breaking force ∼ Weight 
A and B
A and B
Group A
Group B
Group A
Group B
14×50*1.7 17.0 48.0 52 74 86-95 74-83 123-138 108-123 4.0
16×45* 19.2 54.4 68 96 113-125 97-109 161-181 141-161 5.7
16×56*4.11 22.0 58.0 68 96 113-125 97-109 161-181 141-161 5.2
16×64*6 20.0 55.0 68 96 113-125 97-109 161-181 141-161 5.1
16×80*2.13 22.4 58.0 68 96 113-125 97-109 161-181 141-161 4.7
18×63*4.11 24.0 65.0 86 122 143-158 122-137 204-229 178-204 6.5
18×64*1.7 21.0 60.0 86 122 143-158 122-137 204-229 178-204 6.6
18×90*2.13 25.0 64.0 86 122 143-158 122-137 204-229 178-204 6.0
19×64.5*1.7 22.0 63.0 95 136 159-176 136-153 227-255 198-227 7.6
19×75*6 22.0 63.0 95 136 159-176 136-153 227-255 198-227 7.1
20×56*5.12 24.0 72.0 105 151 176-195 151-170 251-285 220-251 9.0
20×70*4.11 27.0 72.0 105 151 176-195 151-170 251-285 220-251 8.2
22×86*1.7 26.0 73.0 128 182 213-236 182-205 304-342 266-304 9.5
24×86*1.7 28.0 79.0 152 217 253-280 217-244 362-407 317-362 11.6
24×87.5*1.7 28.0 79.0 152 217 253-280 217-244 362-407 317-362 11.5
26×73*5.12 31.2 94.0 178 255 297-329 255-287 425-448 372-425 15.0
26×91*4.11 35.0 94.0 178 255 297-329 255-287 425-448 372-425 14.0
26×92*1.7 30.0 86.0 178 255 297-329 255-287 425-448 372-425 13.7
26×100*6 31.0 87.0 178 255 297-329 255-287 425-448 372-425 13.3
30×84*5.12 36.0 108.0 238 339 396-438 339-382 565-636 495-565 20.0
30×105*4.11 39.0 108.0 238 339 396-438 339-382 565-636 495-565 19.0
30×108*1.7 34.0 98.0 238 339 396-438 339-382 565-636 495-565 18.0
30×120*6 36.0 102.0 238 339 396-438 339-382 565-636 495-565 17.5
34×126*1.7 38.0 110.0 305 436 508-563 436-490 726-817 636-726 22.7
34×136*6 39.0 113.0 305 436 508-563 436-490 726-817 636-726 22.5
36×101*5.12 43.2 130.0 342 489 570-631 489-550 814-916 713-814 29.0
38×126*6 42.1 121.0 381 544 635-703 544-612 907-1021 794-907 30.1


*1 - DIN 22252, 2 - DIN 762, 3 - DIN 763, 4 - DIN 764, 5 - DIN 766, 6 -  FASING Technical Requirements, 7 - PN-G-46701, 8 - PN-G-46732,
9 - DIN 5684, 10 - PN-75/M-84543, 11 - PN-75/M-84541, 12 - PN-75/M-84540, 13 - DIN 20637.

 Other sizes and parameters of case-hardened chains available following individual agreements with a customer.